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Infynites I's and Eyes Meditation: How To Save Your Relationship By Using Meditation, Only?

How To Save Your Relationship By Using Meditation, Only? 

Let's go deeper!

Hello beautiful people, and welcome today's meditation session. Today, let us discuss what meditation is? 

Let's start with the question that says, what is meditation? 

When we ask this question, in our head pops up millions of techniques. Is that a meditation? 

In this world that we are living in, there is too much information. Information that is garbage, and we cannot find that what reality is.

So how do you find out what meditation is?

You can find out by reversing it, of course, everything that we know about meditation, we have heard from other people. Which one is good, which one is the real one, and which meditation is the best? 

Firstly, let us ask ourselves what is not meditation? If you take a look outside and then look inside. You will see that everything that you watch, your brain constantly records and save it inside. And when it's needed, this information is brought up in the form of thought and then translated into a word.

We can say that it's the ego or that what creates a person is created, but that what we observe. So, the observer is observed. Is there something else or something beyond observer and the observed? 

To find that answer, we have to go deeper inside of ourselves. We have to watch and observe as you probably did. You have tried all sorts of meditations sitting in one squatting position trying not to think for hours. Maybe even some kind of spiritual gymnastics or many different things, but you are not changed in the end. You are the same; why are you doing that?

You stop thinking as soon as you're finished with that technique. You are back to your self. Deep inside, we constantly fluctuate, wanting pure happiness. We reached it, then falling again and then up there is no middle line. There is no balance.

So, the basic technique, the actual meditation, start with watching and observing now. Try it for yourself. Try other meditation, and you will see it is just the technique. And what is technique?

It's dead, and it's not a life. The problem is, your brain becomes mechanical with these meditations. It's programmed. You program your brain to be still for some time and then come back again. But if you want to change your perception, if you're going to change. You have to be alive, and you have to be now by watching and observing that you are now in a presence.

It's not essential to be in the presence alone. What is important is to observe that presence, to watch without thinking in your head. And for this, you need to develop a skill of observation. 

Firstly, you have to start with a question, is it possible to stop our thoughts even for a second or two? Don't wait for an answer. You have to do this. The difference between techniques is that you get some technique, sit down, and do it. And then, you expect results here with a pure observation. 

There is no technique; it is only watching, watching, observing everything outside and inside you without changing anything. By doing that, you will see that every method that you've done, you have done because you wanted something from it. You wanted to be peaceful. You wanted to be graceful. You wanted ecstasy. You want pleasure. You want peace in your life.

You cannot achieve any of that while you want. You have to watch, observe and see the truth behind the words. Behind the thoughts inside of your head and realize what is happening.

Now, you see, you are always in the past, transferring from to now and going to the future thinking, what will happen next, but we are never now. We are never in a presence, and we never watch what is happening inside and outside. This pure observation will allow you to do just that. 

So, start by watching and observing something that you like. Start by watching and following your man or your wife like the first time you have seen them in your life. You are listening to what they are saying, not trying to think while they are talking. 

You may like to play games, start playing that game and observe what is happening inside you while you're doing it. You may like to cuddle a cat, do it, but this time, watch what is happening inside you and outside. You don't want to change it, just watching it and completely listening with all of your senses.

That is the most important thing. You have to use all of your senses. While you have a centre, you cannot use all of your feelings because the centre wants to move from one to another mind. 

In a way, we have developed our life constantly to use one sense and give it the most pleasurable thing. When you eat something delicious, you focus entirely on that what you're eating. You disregard all other feelings, watching, hearing, feeling something on your skin as cold or warm. 

No, they're just that what you're eating but try to reverse it. Let go of that centre. You will realize that all your senses are working without you. They don't need a centre. They are already there. 

So, if you want to get rid of bad habit, watch with all of your senses but do not try to force one mind to feel something beautiful you love, like chocolate.

Now you're entirely eating chocolate and just focusing on the sense of it. Instead of that, try to watch and observe what is happening with all of your senses. And then the importance of chocolate becomes not so important. And then you stay in that joy, not pleasure. 

Pleasure is always past, as I have explained in our previous meditations. So, but what is essential is that you have to be in the now and every day. Practice in a way that is not a practice. It is a way of living then these periodic places of presence become constantly present. You have to watch, observe and see what is really there and then your life will transform completely.

You have to do it for yourself, it is not easy, but it requires all of your energy and attention. If you want to know more about awareness, you have to watch the meditation on attention.

Thank you for being with me on today's meditation session. Until next time, try this for yourself and see the result—infinite love to all of your people. 

And don't forget that you are your infinite I's and eyes.


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