How To Increase Your Life Energy, Instantly?
Let's go deeper!Hello beautiful people, and welcome to today's meditation session.
Let us today explore the question or inquire how can we be in a presence. How can we stay in that state of pure bliss, pure awareness, because we are that?
Let us start by asking a question, how to be entirely in a presence? How to be completely aware?
As you all know, we have to start by watching outside. When we watch, observe that what is now, we are in a presence. We are in that beautiful delight state where you feel comfortable, when you see and when your brain feels relaxed. You are enjoying, but as soon as you realize that you are enjoying, you are not anymore. So, how is it possible?
Let us imagine that everything that we are, this pure presence. This pure awareness is one whole energy. As you all know, energy cannot disappear. It can only be transformed from one form to another form. This whole energy is observing you as soon as this energy divide itself to someone who is watching it and to someone who is being watched. From someone who is observing and that which is being observed, you are not the whole anymore. By so doing, this energy has broken down into two.
How is this happening? If you are watching without any words and thoughts, you are just here.
Let us say you are watching a beautiful mountain. Immediately you think about it. Your ego entirely absorbs you. Yourself is observed and fascinated with this mountain, and you are just watching. But as soon as you say it is beautiful, you are not watching anymore. You have divided this energy towards something else and that which is being observed.
So, the observer is observed because this energy is this completeness, and it has divided itself and started saying that it is beautiful. This energy is a thought. So, every time you think of a thought, you are taking a part of this energy that is whole. You are dividing yourself.
Most people are divided, so much neurotic that they cannot stop thinking for a second. Unfortunately, you cannot rush to understand what I am saying here and that you cannot force it. You can only see what it is, and then the mind will become completely quiet.
If you are watching and you say it's beautiful, and then you say, oh I should be present. I should be watching. You are still dividing yourself. You are not that one energy.
But if you see, realize and watch this part of the energy that's saying I'm beautiful or saying it's hideous or saying uh, I have to see this more. You observe that too; it becomes whole again. It's a little bit hard to explain it, but you can try it for yourself, and you will see. It is not so hard to observe it, and you can do it because it is you.
This understanding is meant for all people, not just for some gifted. Not some for gurus, but everybody. Now is our present. Have you ever watched a cat how much patience it has? It can watch something for minutes, and hours, just standing there and watching. Why?
It is because it is now. And you can learn very much about observation from the cats. Just watch them and see how they react to something new. They give attention to everything around them, and so must we do.
You have to be this whole energy, this whole now. To understand how you are dividing yourself, you have to understand what desire is.
Let us say you're watching a beautiful mountain and you say it's lovely. And then comes another thought that says I have to see this more. You have divided yourself into one who is observing and the one who is wanting to watch.
Both are the same energy. You have to watch. You have to slow down this process to see what is happening inside of you. When you watch and see what is happening, then you can stop this. You can prevent this not by forcing it but by not thinking another thought. You watch, just observing without wanting to change anything.
I hope this is a little bit clear to you now and you can implement this in your life. Try it for yourself, do it and see because it doesn't matter that I'm talking to you about this. It doesn't matter if I have done this or someone else has done this. Those are just nice words if you do not practice this, and you have to do this.
I'm just a mirror to you, and every other person in this world is saying something, whether it's a guru or advanced teacher or just a random guy in the street. They're all just lovely stories for you if you do not do this. So, try it and see for yourself and you will watch and see the change inside you.
Thank you once more for being with me in today's meditation, and until next time—infinite love to all of you people. And don't forget that you are your infinite I's and eyes.
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