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The Complete Beginner's Guide to God's Qualities.

What Are God's Qualities?

God is a Spirit consciousness that dwells within you, within us, within every living thing. The body is the outer packaging, and the One who lives inside is God, who we are!

However, this exact identity has no visible and invisible structure. It will not be seen with the naked eye but is available only by working within self-awareness.

Therefore, to find God and meet Him, it is essential to know what His attributes are. So let us consider some of God's cardinal attributes.


God Is Eternal

The spiritual Soul is an eternal thing. Every Spiritual Soul lives in nature forever. It has no beginning or end. It was, still is, always will be. You do not die, and you are not born; you cannot die.


God Is Infinite

God is an infinite sign, infinite intelligence, infinite power, and infinite joy!

These attributes are different from God. For example, they are not found in any other eternal being except the Spiritual Soul. These attributes are the most powerful of all personal structures because the spiritual consciousness can manifest in these structures.


God is Omniscient.

The spiritual consciousness has the infinite power of 'seeing and knowing'. Our physical eyes or other five senses are merely an external sensation in which things are seen or felt. The critical thing, self-realization and knowing that you are a Spiritual Soul; everything else in this world is just visible and well-known.

Self-realization can directly perceive the external things of the world, and consciousness knows the body's internal network - for example, intelligence, mind, illusion, beliefs, opinions, anger, pride, envy, greed, befriending, loathing, etc.

Consciousness sees things through their quality which is a perspective. Also, because of its pureness and infinite Knowledge, it knows each stage of all eternal stuff, including its own.

Consciousness is invisible but vital, dense, cannot be shaken, eternity. This consciousness is how God is described as omnipotent. In a scientific language, he is called Omniscient!!!


God is Almighty; Omnipotent

Infinite power is another secret of the Spiritual Soul because apart from seeing and knowing the world's endless things, we have never loved any of those things.

There are various types of consequences of our actions that cover the Spiritual Soul and create countless obstacles on the path to the Soul's salvation from ancient times. However, the Soul can remain separate from any of these means, maintaining its complete purity.

This power is infinite and can be infused or absorbed into anything that is outside of it. It always has its nature, showing the Almighty's control, for example, Almighty, Almighty God!!!


God Is Eternal Happiness

The joy of the world is a combination of joy and sorrow; this joy is temporary and therefore comes and goes. However, the Spiritual Soul will never cling to or be attracted to any worldly pleasure, even to the consequences of deceptive acts created by the lure of these vain pleasures.

And on the other hand, no matter how painful the external condition is, God's spiritual consciousness has never suffered at all. This result is because the whole Soul is pleased.

God is always focused on this boundless joy. Eternal spiritual bliss that never comes out of any situation and lasts forever.


God Is Separated

By its very nature, the spiritual Soul is not fully connected to all eternal things. We tend to say, 'I want to get rid of my attachment and abhorrence.' We say this because we do not know that the self has never been tarnished by your self-loathing.

You have always been different, and you have never been matched. You have never been attracted to anyone or anything, and you have never enjoyed pleasure or pain. Although the body meets all that exists in this world, the inner Soul, by its very nature, has nothing to do with it, and therefore nothing in this world can directly affect your spiritual identity.

After self-realizing, even if a person can find themselves fighting or arguing with another, they do not associate or hate because a self-realized person knows, 'I am what I am,' no doubt I am a Holy Conscious Spirit. '


God is a spiritual Being who has no attachment to anything!

He is perfect unlimited beauty - Omnibenevolent.

God is all Love because Pure Love is also a sign of God! One wonders if God is not connected and how God is pure Love. How is that possible?

This connection is because Pure Love is very different from the Love of the world. Pure Love is not attached, and as a result, it is free from the contamination of human activity as expected, in some cases, from discrimination or segregation between living beings.

God is omnipotent. His Love is constantly flowing to all living beings and every living creature at all times!


God Is Clean

God is entirely pure. No matter what the external conditions are, no matter how much dirt is covered by the body. Your spiritual consciousness cannot be tarnished.

Spiritual consciousness was, is, and will always be perfectly pure - so is yourself! He is God, and there is no one else but Him!

Because of nature, the inanimate object and the spiritual consciousness element have always been coming together; however, neither of these two have lost their most profound personalities.

As if we could mix oil and water in a bottle and stir it well, the oil would still be in its place, and the water would be separated in its place because this mixes differently.

Likewise, our spiritual consciousness has always been separated from the body as the pure and authentic self, besides going through various lifeways such as trees, animals, people, celestial beings, etc. The purity of our spiritual selves within has not been defiled at all.


God Is Invisible.

Anything we can get through the five senses, including our intellect, intelligence, taste, speech, etc. - Everything has a form, and spiritual consciousness is formless. The spiritual consciousness does not have a body.

The inner part of the body, which is invisible, is the spiritual consciousness. Spiritual consciousness is infinite intelligence, and it is hidden. Visible objects have a structural form and visibility, but consciousness itself is not visual.

Therefore, God exists in all living things, but He is invisible and has no form or structure!


God is humble

Spiritual consciousness is so hidden that fire cannot burn it, and mountains cannot stop it! Yes, spiritual consciousness can easily pass through mountains, through the fire, through water, through anything, without any hindrance.

Nothing is impossible for God because nothing can affect our spiritual identity.


God is immortal

Spiritually we will never be destroyed. Temporary objects are destroyed; they exist, and after a while, they cease to exist, and the things of eternity cannot end. God is eternal and therefore cannot be destroyed!


God Is Firm

The natural condition of your spiritual consciousness is that it does not rise and fall. Anger, pride, deceit, greed are in a state of constant increase and decrease. Just as we can see the anger rising and falling, all our weaknesses and strengths are in a similar condition.

For example, the ups and downs and everything in the body naturally rises and become stressed. Everything that goes up or down is said to be temporary, and your spiritual consciousness has never been involved in any of these.

So God is eternal and always will be. He does not grow or get tired. He does not go up or down!


God Can't Hurt or Be Hurt.

Pain or distress will never affect your spiritual consciousness. Spiritual consciousness is so strong that it cannot harm another person.

It cannot harm another person and cannot kill or be killed by another person. Nothing could happen to you. As a person progresses in gaining spiritual experience, one experiences these feelings more and more clearly.


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