Is reincarnation real?
Does a spiritual person come back after death? Those who do not believe
in reincarnation, believe that a dead person is never reincarnated.
Many black people, especially on the African continent, believe in the
immortality of the soul. They can also take a spiritual or the dead person and
place it where they should be put in a quiet place.
And yet, many still fail to see that the living person on earth lives
spiritually and physically. Likewise, many foreigners, especially in The western world, believe in the human soul's mortality.
According to Islam and the Christian faith, a person is not resurrected
after death, but according to other nations' religion, a person returns after
death. That alone is a result of the grace of God that you believe in a man
dying and rising again.
At the moment of your death, your Spiritual Soul leaves your body and
enters another womb immediately. Every spiritual person comes back.
Believers in the soul's mortality believe that when a person dies, he or
she does not return to life after death. Despite their belief, they do return
to the spirit realm. They do not understand this because they do not understand
the spiritual resurrection process.
When the body dies, it becomes lifeless, and it is when one can easily
see that there was life here inside, now that it has already moved out to
another place. Those who do not believe in the Spirit's resurrection also
believe in the mortality of the soul.
We Africans do not accept this. We are spiritually advanced to know that
man lives physically and spiritually. Traditional healers, sorcerers, witches,
and wizards have been working more closely with the spiritual person than with
the physical person from ancient times.
It is because of this spiritual development that we believe in the
spiritual resurrection of man. It is for this reason that we understand the
science called Omniscient. This science says that it is because of the
spiritual renewal that we are all united.
This renewal is our belief, and it is the strength of this belief that
we believe in a spiritual person. How can a person be spiritually resurrected
if an idea in a spiritual person does not support it?
Who is he that says he is born again?
It is because there is a spiritual person that there is a rebirth. We
agree with the death of the body we bury or burn.
So only a spiritual person can come, live, and walk-in different ways.
When you understand the nature of a spiritual person, all confusion is solved.
However, this isn't easy to understand if you are not willing to
understand. That is why all the scriptures tell you to understand your own
spiritual identity. Then we can say that without this knowledge, anything made
is done in vain. It doesn't help. First, know your true spiritual identity, and
then all the confusion will be resolved.
The question is: Who is born again? Were you a naturally spiritual person or life force?
No, no, all of this is automatic. This whole world works automatically;
it all happens by itself. Change the idea that someone is in control, that no
person or force is in control. Everything is automatic.
But who is behind the world's events? Is it a specific power or a
personal spiritual being?
No, not at all. You are a naturally spiritual person who has nothing to
do with what is happening. It all happens because of nature. This happening
includes your true spiritual identity, your body, and your physical strength.
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