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Showing posts from December, 2021

No one ever said these seven things about the healing process, and this discovery will surprise you!

No one ever said these seven things about the healing process, and this discovery will surprise you! Does a healer heal, or a healer does not heal, instead? He makes the healing be! If we say that a person does the healing, is it possible for us to be injured but not go to the Healer and then be healed and recovered without being treated by someone else? In other words, if a person says he is healing, is that person, by what he gives us, and what he tells us to do, is that person still a healer, or is he not Healer but is doing things right for the person to be healed? Do we know what the Word healing means, or do we say we know the Word, but we do not understand what it means? Can we say that when a person heal us, he is preparing that if it is time for you to be healed, then you are healed? Who is it that we say is Healer? Is it the person we consider treating us, or is it the treatment that happens spontaneously? Animals fight and injure themselves in the forest. If an animal is...

The hidden mystery behind understanding the intentions of any language.

The hidden mystery behind understanding the intentions of any language. Today, my dearest friends, I would like to play with the English language to remember that some of us may have not just sucked the English language on the breast but saw the elders grinding in front of them. The elders may have crushed the language so that it collapsed and ended up being put in a can and told to drink it as it is. The elders tell us that any language is interpreted before presenting it to the people. So let us look at it before we conclude and tell others just to shut up! Does the language start for people who speak that particular language, and are those who say that language as their first language not lose their language comprehension? Dearest friends, do we understand what the language is? Do we know what the language is intended for, not only the English language, but I mean any language that you can think of? Dearest friends, apart from the fact that we speak the languages we speak, was the l...

How Pleasure of Self-Realizations Changed How We Think About Death?

Does the Pleasure of Self-Realization Last at This Birth Only? Only after you know that you are a spiritual person do you find happiness. And is this because of this birth or all the birth to come? The answer is yes. Once you know that you are a spiritually conscious person, the person will no longer be a doer, and as a result, the consequences of your actions will no longer cling to you. You will find lasting relief. There is no choice in this matter. This method is not for those who do not want to be liberated. Those who do not wish to be released should not take this approach. Will we remember that we are spiritually conscious people in our next life? No, everything will be the same. There will be no changes. Remember that your body and mind are something you have created for yourself here on earth and will leave you here. Since you have ceased to associate with the consequences of your actions, no interruptions will occur again.   Related Ratings: As long...

Is It True That Man Can Return To The Condition Of Animal?

Is It True That Man Can Return To The Condition Of Animals? In Charles Darwin's view, who is best known for his contributions to the theory of evolution, the idea that life arose from a single source to the human condition? On the other hand, there is the belief that man returns to the animal kingdom after birth. This belief is also true. Is it true that man can return to the form of an animal from a human form? First, as stated in Charles Darwin's theory, life is at a crossroads. From here onwards, here is my explanation. After coming into the human condition, due to self-awareness as a body, you become a doer. You become the perpetrator of your actions' consequences, which is why you have to endure the results of your causes. If a person commits sins, he is born again in the form of an animal. If he changes his actions. He is taken as a heavenly being or a human being again, enjoying material prosperity and luxury. So after coming to the human condition, it all depends on...