The hidden mystery behind understanding the intentions of any language.

Today, my dearest friends, I would like to play with the English language to remember that some of us may have not just sucked the English language on the breast but saw the elders grinding in front of them. The elders may have crushed the language so that it collapsed and ended up being put in a can and told to drink it as it is.
The elders tell us that any language is interpreted before presenting it to the people.
So let us look at it before we conclude and tell others just to shut up!
Does the language start for people who speak that particular language, and are those who say that language as their first language not lose their language comprehension?
Dearest friends, do we understand what the language is? Do we know what the language is intended for, not only the English language, but I mean any language that you can think of?
Dearest friends, apart from the fact that we speak the languages we speak, was the language we speak designed to be our only medium of communication, or is there something we can know about it, other than just the primary medium of communication?
For example, do we know where the languages came from? Or what are the origins of our language, and where are they directed?
In other words, is it enough that you speak your language, regardless of whether we know its origin and its purpose? In other words, is it sufficient to talk about the language that we speak, whether it is our mother tongue or not, whether we say it fluently or communicate it to convey the sound produced by the voice, and that is the end of it?
I want to give an example of what I am talking about when I say do we understand the reason for any language?
I have heard people say that to know the secrets of life. It is better to understand what we know and be aware of what we do not know. However, how often do we tell ourselves that we know something and, again, as human beings? Whatever we told ourselves, we knew it, yet, we could not understand it, but we were deceived. How many times has that situation occurred in our past lives?
My dearest friends, did we know that, as human beings, when something we have told ourselves that we know it for sure if someone else tells us the truth about what we thought we knew, do you know that it will not be easy for us to believe that person?
Why is it so?
Young Peter, please turn your eyes towards the East direction from where the sun comes from.
Would you guess what would be the reaction of old John?
Why is it so?
Will old John still react to what he already knows and practice it as his belief?
Is it wrong for young Peter to ask an adult John if the world is round or flat?
What is the version of reality?
What is the truth?
Let us go deep about today’s lesson.
Dearest friends? May I hear your opinion?
Is our language the vision for our intention or otherwise? Is the language based on our vision?
We tell ourselves that we already know what this person is talking about. And the need for us to listen to that person, we no longer see it. Is it so?
I have just given you an example, dear friends: For further clarification, let us say we have a teenage boy named Peter and an adult man by the name of John. John directs Peter’s vision by speaking to him as an adult man.
Young Peter responds by saying: I don’t know where the sun comes from, and I don’t know which the East direction is. I do not know where the sun rises?
If John were to be irritated by young Peter’s response and angrily rebuke Peter by saying; why don’t you know where the sun comes from?
An elderly John continues to say, young Peter, why are you so rude to me?
In the meanwhile, you are observing their conversation and young Peter ask for your interference by saying:
Dearest friend: Sir or madam, an old John is fighting against me when I am telling the truth, and I am talking about something I am aware of as truth to me?
Please intervene?
What would you say?
Whatever your response will be, it would be welcomed and appreciated — however, First, whatever, Peter’s stance.
Is that because once a person has been holding on to something that is not true for a long time, or that person has made his point of view, he no longer wants to hear about the other person’s version. Instead, he wants to continue believing in what he has already told himself. And what he has done with his knowledge has become so natural to him that no matter how many times the other person tries to show him that his opinion has been changed, again, he will never hear a different view again?
Will we be correct if we say the person who holds on to his belief is like a cart running out of brakes, and the steering wheel is no longer turning?
Suppose there is someone who knows that: to know the secrets of life, we must understand what we know and be aware of what we do not know.
Suppose this person interferes in the conversation of John and Peter and make them aware of what he is already aware of.
Will old John be able to listen with the intent to understand, instead of listening with the intention of what young Peter is talking about, Peter finishes his talking and John gets a chance to react to young Peter’s speech?
My dear friends, we have often heard people say, if we listen to understand what the other person is saying, we may listen to something or get a new idea about something we thought we already knew. But, on the other hand, we may have heard something new based on something we thought we already knew. Because, today, we have chosen to listen to hear with understanding, instead of listening for when do we get a chance to react?
The latter is, listening to react to what we hear, which triggers anger.
Let us go back to old John’s saying that young Peter should look towards the East direction. Peter’s response truthfully says he does not know the east of where the sun comes from.
I am asking you now, my dearest friend. I am asking you as a person who was brought up well in your home, at school, and in the community and who is educated whether you are a graduate or not?
If you say it is not wrong? That means the old John version of the reality is like this, suppose the world is round like a ball, is it the earth that turns around the sun, and the sun stands still? Or, the young Peter’s version of reality tells him that it is another way around?
Is it the sun moving and rising, and the earth has stood still?
Is it wrong for young Peter to say that he is aware that the sun does not move, it stands still, but the earth is like a ball that rotates around the sun and other solar planets?
Is this young Peter talking to an adult John still insulting and irritating him, or is young Peter saying what he knows as truth to him and positively supporting his response to why he is saying so?
Are old John’s irritation and anger based on fact, or was it self-instigated?
What can we get from this scenario?
What is our take from today’s lesson?
In the example above, is your opinion still the same as before, or is there a change in your perceptions by these few words?
With this example, we look and undermine little like this, but how many small things have changed our perception of us as human beings?
Dearest friends, we, as human beings, how many small things have made us lose humanity?
How many little things have we taken for granted and triggered the mighty dynamite that has collapsed so many kingdoms?
How many little things we have taken for granted by saying I will do a little of it, yet that minor decision has caused significant disasters in humanity?
How many things started, like saying I would do a little bit of it? But today, the consequences of those little things are beyond the control even for those who claim to be educated?
How many minor decisions have caused significant disasters in humanity, and we cannot finish those little things that started slowly?
What is it that you and I have thought that we will do just little of it, yet, today, even those who claim to be of high intellect to ours but fail to stop those little things you and I started?
In your version, what is the minor decision you took that has caused a significant disaster, not just your personal life but other people’s lives, together with the consequences of those things you started slowly?
You, even myself, have had many of those minor decisions that we have taken through reaction instead of responding to what others are directing us towards.
How many minor things started slowly, but the consequences of those little things overcame even when they threatened us with blades, when they threatened us with needles, when threatened us with pair of scissors, when they threatened us with medication, when they threatened us with psychological counselling, with talks, meetings, conferences, and so on. Yet, No one ever points directly to the source of all those causes?
Whatever started as minor negligence, our perceptions of language have brought the main things and the consequences of those little things that started slowly.
How many times do you and I need to be brought to self-awareness?
How many times do we neglect the power in our Self when we are aware of the Self?
Next time, before we think of the thing that started: I’ll do a little bit of this and that. It would be better if we would do the Self-introspection before we proceed.
What do you think of it when we say: We, as human beings, to know the secrets of life; we need to understand what we see. It would be better if we also know what we know and be aware of what we do not understand.
Dearest friends: But, is there something wrong with someone who says he does not know or is there something wrong with someone who says he knows, yet he does not understand what he says he knows? Whatever he may be saying, he knows about it, and he may say he knows about it, yet he does not understand it?
How many things we tell ourselves we know, yet we don’t understand those things, those things we tell ourselves we know, can we say we understand those things?
Is our language the way we see things or just for conveying words to others, no matter how they come out?
Dearest friends, is life about us, or is life us?
I’ve heard people say, “If you are not here, in the present moment, you don’t have life, and if you don’t have life, you cannot be here, in the present moment.” What do they mean?
Language is compelling when we understand that: we, as human beings, should understand the secrets of life. So it would be better to know what we know and be aware of what we do not understand.
Dearest friends, I am here to get the responses and your opinion. I know nothing. I, myself, I am nothing, I do not teach anyone about anything, and I have never said I will teach anyone. But I appreciate it when we both keep informed and direct our attention towards the well-being of all humanity in the spiritual transformation journey.
I, too, will do whatever everyone does, and I will still do whatever no one does as long as it benefits those in the spiritual transformation journey.
Thank you!
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