Is God Responsible for All Things on Earth?
People believe that God is superior to them and that if they pray to
Him, He will free them from everything, but is there anyone higher than you?
No one can interfere with your life. The reason you are weaker than yourself is because of your mistakes. It would help if you got rid of these mistakes.
If you want to be completely independent, free, you will have to
eliminate all your mistakes. You can see yourself and see flaws when you
discover who you are.
Everyone who lives on this earth is the King of this world. It is
because of your lack of self-awareness that you are living a life like a
struggling creature.
He who does
not claim to be the owner of his body is the owner of the whole world. This
entire world belongs to him.
Understanding this is a relief. So, why don't you know this? Because
your mistakes still bind you.
I have no one higher than me. So also you, there is no one above you,
you are the only one. No one will put you in punishment, and no one can give
your life. You are personally responsible for your birth and the cycle of your
birth and death. All these 'contracts' and 'agreements' are yours.
If you ask me if anyone can interfere in your life, I can answer with
great relief by saying No, No, No! If you ask me if anyone is higher than I am,
I will answer you with the most excellent ease and say No, No, No! Your bosses
are your faults, mistakes, and your actions.
How can you put an end to it all? You need to understand your true self
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- When
can you say you have the ultimate freedom? When you find out you are comfortable. It is when you know that no one is superior to you, not even
- Until
a person realizes his mistakes, then he can never be God.
- If
you ask God what all this is? He'll tell you it's nothing. Everyone suffers the consequences of their actions; it is your causes and effects in action.
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