Is reincarnation real? Does a spiritual person come back after death? Those who do not believe in reincarnation, believe that a dead person is never reincarnated. Many black people, especially on the African continent, believe in the immortality of the soul. They can also take a spiritual or the dead person and place it where they should be put in a quiet place. And yet, many still fail to see that the living person on earth lives spiritually and physically. Likewise, many foreigners, especially in The western world, believe in the human soul's mortality. According to Islam and the Christian faith, a person is not resurrected after death, but according to other nations' religion, a person returns after death. That alone is a result of the grace of God that you believe in a man dying and rising again. At the moment of your death, your Spiritual Soul leaves your body and enters another womb immediately. Every spiritual person comes back. Believers in the soul's mortality beli...