Are we what we think?

In today’s episode, we have three characters:
• The first character: Musa.
• Second character: Alberto.
• Third actor: Christos.
The theme of today’s episode is that: Wisdom means learning from the wisdom of the people who became wise during their time on earth.
So, man is supposed to understand and forget about the wise men of that time.
Alberto was a wise man known for his ingenuity in technology and psychology. One day he was sitting in the shade with his two friends under the fig tree.
A fourth man came and sat down with these three wise men. This fourth man asked these three men what was bothering people of this generation, in general, the most in modern life.
Alberto was silent for a long time before he answered the question. Then, finally, he replied politely: ``It is stupidity, that’s it, and that is the only thing that bothers people; there is nothing else except stupidity!”
The fourth man continued to ask what the meaning of stupidity was.
Alberto responded by saying:
The meaning of stupidity is that people do not think, yet they carry on believing as if they do!
The fourth man continued to ask again, what is stupidity, and what do you mean when you say people do not think? Would you please tell me what the story is? You are not the first person who says people don’t think. How is that possible?
Alberto says I have heard that:
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
The fourth man paused as he tried to ponder these words he was hearing! Soon he made a loud exhalation and asked: What do you mean by these words? Asks The Fourth Man!
At that moment, the other two men, Musa and Christos, were silent as if they were not there!
The fourth man continued asking Alberto and said, “You mean because I have problems, does that mean I’m stupid, too?”
Before Alberto could answer that question, Christos intervened by saying: Sir. Listening to understand what is being said is not the same as listening when you get the chance and say what you already know.
Sir, as you see us sitting here, we are listening to understand the conversation between you. But, of course, in Alberto’s words to you, he never called anyone’s name, nor did he ever mention your name, but in his words, he still explains what stupidity is.
The fourth man was silent when he heard Christos’s response. Then, finally, he sighed loudly and was heard saying: Christos, because you also sound like you agree with Alberto. Why then are there the wealthiest people in the world, and then there are the poorest people in one country?
Christos was silent as if he had not heard the question. Then, after a while, Christos was heard whispering bible parables from Mark 4:25, which says:
He that has, to him shall be given: and he that has not, from him shall be taken even that which he has.
And the fourth man roared to himself;
Oh, that means “likes attract likes.”
“Positive attracts positive!”
There was a silence from the three men as if an angel were passing by when they heard this man talking to himself like this.
Suddenly, the fourth man was heard breathing loudly and saying: Christos — what do you mean with your speech?
Do you mean to say, since, ‘I’m poor, and I don’t have everything I want, am I the cause for that?
Do you mean to say I have to get rid of even the little things I have? Since there are people who are much richer than me. And those rich people are to be given even more than what they have?
Did you mean to say that?
I don’t understand what you mean?
Can you explain this to me? Says the fourth man!
Christos was silent as if he had not heard anything!
After a long time, Musa was heard coughing and sneering, and then he said to the fourth man:
Sir, as you can see me being silent. It’s not that I don’t hear what you’re talking about, but I’m listening to understand what you’re talking about here.
In Christos’s speech, I have never heard him say the name of a person. So whoever thought Christos, whatever he said, was referring to him, which means that person still follows what Alberto said about stupidity.
Have you heard and understood Alberto’s words when he said:
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Christos is answering your question by explaining why there are so many poor people and rich people in one country. That was Musa, explaining to the fourth man.
With great politeness, Musa asks the fourth man whether he was confused about the answers he received from Christos and the responses he received from Alberto.
Then he asked the fourth man by saying: “Sir, can you answer these men’s words without judging?”
Do you realise that your judgement is the cause that makes you hear these men’s speech, but you do not get the exact meaning?
The fourth man was silent for a moment, pondering on Musa’s words.
After a while, the fourth man was heard speaking in a voice that indicated that he was bewildered. He said: Christos, would you please translate Musa’s words. I listened to his words, but I could not find the exact meaning of the language. The fourth man is asking Christos!
Christos replied:
“Whoever thinks that these words are directed at him, he should ask Musa what he meant in his commandment when he said,” do not judge “.
The fourth man was seen sweating and scratching his head. He shook his head over and over again like someone who is being bitten by head lice!
Later on, the fourth man was heard saying:
Honourable, Musa, I beg you to clarify why I can listen to your voice and listen to your words. But I do not get a definite explanation of what you mean when you say that we should not judge. I am asking this question because the moment a person wakes up in the morning, he will judge until he falls asleep!
What do you mean when you say we should NOT judge! Would you please explain for me, your honour!
Musa was seen pulling out his water bottle. He drank the water, then licked his lips, closed the water bottle and said:
It would be good if you first listened to the words of Christos and Alberto’s comments before you understood my language. It will help you know what you know and realise what you think you do and what you do not.
Sir, do you listen to understand what is being said, or do you listen to know when the speaker finishes speaking and you react by saying what you already know?
Meaning, are you listening with the intention of understanding or are you hearing as if you were waiting for the person to finish talking and say whatever is in your mind?
What are you doing right now?
If you listen when someone else is talking, what is your intention? Are you able to see the difference between listening for understanding and listening for the reaction? If you do, only then will you understand this speech.
It is better to learn to listen with understanding than what you have to say when this person finishes talking.
Meaning, it is good that we listen for understanding, then to listen for reacting. When we listen for understanding, we can understand what this person says and respond.
Responding is a healthy way of communication with the Almighty Creator instead of reacting to any speech we hear.
People are meant to be responsible instead of reacting. When we are responsible, it means we retain our ability to respond. We are capable of responding effectively. It is the response plus the ability that makes human beings responsible for doing whatever they do.
Rather respond instead of reacting to any situation and circumstances you face in life.
We can’t translate these words further because language is an indicator and a pointer, not reality itself. The Almighty Creator created these languages so that those who have been enlightened by it and through Him can guide those who are still learning to understand His language and who He is! That was Musa’s words to the fourth man!
Finally, the fourth man sitting with the three wise men rose and said goodbye after hearing these words. Then, we heard Musa say to the fourth man.
“Man of the Lord, before you go, know that if you choose to hear and analyse these words you have heard today, the Creator will reward you with abundant blessings. However, at the moment, your happiness comes to you like the weather, with high temperatures and low temperatures. Yet, joy, love, abundance, peace and prosperity is constant and within you all the time.”
I bless you with consistent bliss, joy, abundance, love, prosperity and mercy that doesn’t fluctuate like a thermostat gauge.
The short time you spent with us may be a blessing to you. My desire and my blessing are that the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth shall give you the strength to listen and understand His language. What you have heard today, let it be your knowledge that will always be your everyday wisdom. May Almighty Lord bless you!
With these words, Musa bows down to the fourth man. As the fourth man clasped both his hands along his chest and also bowed his head, saying:
The fourth man picked up his knobkerrie and his stuffed backpack and went off! He goes talking to himself! Whatever he was thinking about, we don’t know!
Now, coming back to us, ourselves, you and me:
Let us briefly consider the speech of these men!
When the fourth man asked Musa how we could avoid judging, we had Musa saying that the one who judges is the Self-identifying one. He refers to EGO as himself.
Who is it that we can say is self-identifying? Is it a person who knows “I am …”, yet, meaning self-esteem, EGO, which includes his name, body, mind, emotions, and all the roles he plays in life?
But the person who is aware of the difference between Self-Identity and Self-Awareness is no longer on this list! He is aware when he says “I am …” that he refers to Self-Awareness instead of his EGO!
In other words, the person who is not aware of what he is NOT but still identifies himself with everything that belongs to him as he is, such a person is self-identifying himself. Yet, most of the time, he may be the one that judges others.
Also, is it the same person who has to be judged at the end because he has failed to distinguish the being created by the Almighty Creator in humanity?
Can we say that a person who is still to be judged later is a person who has failed to see that a person is made up of a body, and then there is a personality, and the humanity, which is the infinite soul within that person?
A person who identifies himself, directs with his own thing, and calls those things himself, is there anything wrong with that person?
It is up to the individual to decide what they will see and hear about what we are lighting up here!
The one who thinks there is no mistake is right because that is the way he sees it! How can we say such a person is wrong when there is no mistake, and neither does Nature make a mistake, nor does the almighty Creator?
However, the man of this world can make a mistake when he separates himself from Creation and the Creator! This lack of awareness is precisely the error we are raising against humanity. This self-identification is precisely the error we shine the spotlight on so that a transforming individual will be enlightened and be aware of this error without judging anyone.
Is it suitable for a person to choose for himself that, like the others, he judges himself, deciding to see himself as his belongings?
Is it ideal for a person to create his own person in his mind and then refer to that person as themselves?
Meaning, whatever that is yours, can it also be you?
How is that possible?
It would be better if we thought about this carefully? However, if you say yes, what is mine is also me, and I am choosing to be like that. Fair enough. There is no need to question such a person because that is their personal choice.
However, some people wonder, how come that which is mine is also me? Whatever is mine, how can it be me at the same time?
The moment that question rises in people’s minds, that is when someone has come in. Why does someone have to go in? The Almighty Creator now wants to reveal Himself to that person. Creation and the Creator then speak within that person that it is time for this person to be exposed to the truths of life. “The truth of life is personal transformation!” Human evolution!
Therefore, shall we say this human process is more or less the same as the maturity period for humanity?
Will it be fair if we say this process is more or less the same as the new birth of society?
This process is the time when a man is born again in life! We may all agree that nature can reproduce or reincarnate human beings according to natural processes. However, a few human beings need help to give birth to this reincarnation process successfully.
A person that reincarnates to a new life is the person that is ready to do so. Most of the time, a person who can feel that energy does not identify with anything, but he is aware of the conscious humanity within the Self. Therefore, should we help this person or not?
Should someone intervene in this process or not?
Hence we say, this conversation is for the mature person, and it is not to be shared with those that are not yet ready for this process. It is for self-realised individuals and people in the spiritual transformation, only!
This personal transformation process is not hidden to the public, but others will hear about this when their time is due.
Musa has already explained that judgement is made by the person who says “I am who I am”, yet referring to the EGO. The problem begins when a person points to the mortal body and claims to be him.
That is why Christos said, when we see more, we will have more!
If we see little, we will have little!
If we see poverty, we will be in poverty!
Similarly, if we see abundance, we will be in abundance of everything.
This law of nature, like all the other laws of nature, applies NOT only to specific individuals, but it applies to you, me and everyone. The most important thing is to hear and know about it, but it is better to listen with understanding and forget about how it happens.
That is what Christos meant by the abundance and the scarcity when he talked to the fourth man!
That is what Alberto had to say about changing our vision! Alberto was referring to the statement that states, we are what we think. As we sow, so shall we reap?
We can change the seed we sow, but we cannot reap the different reap.
And so, with the judgement! We reap whatever we sow.
However, this wisdom is not for those who call themselves spiritual cheaters. Creation can teach and act on its own. However, it is good to help those who are in labour.
For those that are already reincarnating, it is good to help them. When it’s time for a change in a person’s life, this term of life, this term of Nature, comes naturally to humans. However, it is infrequent to happen naturally without turmoil in personal human life.
Suppose someone has to intervene and assist the woman in labour, giving birth to a child. Hence, similarly, in this case, it would be wise to come in to help in the human reincarnation process once it has started.
The correct judgement, which man must make, distinguishes between Self-Identification and Self-Awareness. It is better to be aware of the mortal man and understand the immortality of man so that we may understand who we are and what we are not!
It takes a lit candle to light up the other candle, ready to be lit!
We speak our languages, but we don’t understand the precise meaning. Therefore, in English, let me rephrase this not to be misquoted:
I am here to guide you. I know nothing, and I am nothing, I do not teach anyone, and I do not teach about anything, and I never said I would teach anyone.
But it is excellent and enjoyable to guide each other as human beings. I will do whatever everyone else does. In the same way, I will do whatever no one else does, as long as it benefits you, our community, and humanity in the personal and spiritual transformation journey.
I, Infynite I. Ayez, am a personal spiritual transformation guide, and who are you?
It is a joy to know the truth!
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