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Showing posts from May, 2021

If You Have To Read One Article About "Why Do People Have Fear", Read This One.

Why Do People Have Fear? All human beings of this age are considered to have no dependence or protection. Animals are considered to be reliable, but humans do not have anyone to rely on. Even if you find someone you can count on, he or she does not have the right person to rely on, so how can he or she help you? Let me explain what I mean by distrust: A rich man, a priest, and his dog were travelling. They found a dense jungle, and in the wilderness, they met four robbers with guns and swords. What effect does this event have on each of them? The rich man is worried about what will happen to him if the robbers took away a sum of ten thousand dollars. He also fears what will happen to him if they kill him. The priest feels that he has nothing to lose but his pot of water, but he is worried about who will take care of him if the robbers break his leg and what will happen if he becomes disabled for the rest of his life. On the other hand, the dog will bark at the robbers, and if one of th...

How Controlling Your Fears Keep You from Marrying the Wrong Person?

How Can You Control Your Fears? Learn ways to allay your fears. We have all experienced anxiety to some extent and no doubt, your search for ways to overcome fear has brought you here. Try these tips on overcoming your fears:  If you don't love someone and see their faults, you start to see mistakes in them, this constant act of finding the spot will make you despise that person. You can understand this when you don't like the person's presence. To overcome this kind of fear, you must first see that person's good deeds and remember his good deeds when you have to face him.  Suppose you are afraid of being tested, afraid to speak in public, fearful of losing a relationship or job or money. The only way to overcome fear is to face it and find out if the fear is real or not. You will see that there was nothing to be afraid of in the first place.           Sometimes your fears rise because of self-interest, which is Self-identit...

Infynites I's and Eyes Meditation: Insane (But True) Things About Transcend GOOD and EVIL

Insane (But True) Things About Transcend GOOD and EVIL Let's go deeper! Hello beautiful people, and welcome to our today's meditation session.  Let us today discuss what is good and what is evil. Let us find the difference and see the truth behind it. As you all know, you have all been taught that we should always strive for good and not do evil deeds. But, does evil exist and does good exist? So, to be free to look, you have to be now. You have to develop this skill of observation.  Try observing without wanting to change anything. It is almost like a scientist watching something exciting, but he wants to see the result without his intervention. You are even more accessible than a scientist because a scientist has an interest in this experience. The scientist wants to know what will happen. The skill observation is just pure attention looking now at what is happening.  Now that we have cleared our mind, let us see if there is something called good or evil? If you observ...

Why are Consequences of Our Actions Binding Harder than Acing the SATs?

When Are the Consequences of Our Actions Doesn’t Bind Us? The cessation of the consequences of your actions occurs when you have the experience of saying, "I am innocent." So once you become pure, you will no longer be bound by the consequences of your actions. The release of the results of your efforts will continue until they are completely depleted. So how can we prevent the consequences of your actions from being bound? If you enter a state of self-awareness, no effects of your new measures will be attached. This state happens when the enlightened one comes to self-realization. After that, the consequences of his recent actions will no longer be bound, and the consequences of your old actions continue to be released. When all the results of your efforts are over, you will receive a final release. Now, do you understand the consequences of your actions? When you become a doer, you bind your efforts' results, but once you are released from that work, you cease to bind...

How a Government Shutdown Affects The Consequences of Your Good Deeds?

Do the Consequences of Your Good Deeds soften the negative? Is suffering an additional positive effect on you? No, it is not. Addition and subtraction do not happen here; actions are not deleted. This deletion has been the law since the world began. People could take advantage of this if it were. Wise people can end up doing great good deeds and ten evil deeds, leaving ninety good deeds. Nature ensures that both good and bad deeds are visible. So, is it true that when we do any rewarding work, such as building a hospital, the results of our wrong actions will be significantly diminished? No, it is not reduced—no withdrawals or additions to the account. The consequences of your new actions are tied to good deeds, but one will have to deal with the results of harming others. Otherwise, all accountants and business acumen will exclude the consequences of their wrong actions and keep profits. Not at all. The law of nature is straightforward. If you do wrong, all at once, your fruit will co...

Infynites I's and Eyes Meditation: The Dummies' Guide On How To Improve The Relationship.

  The Dummies' Guide On How To Improve The Relationship. Let's go deeper! Hello beautiful people, and welcome to our today's meditation guide. Today, let us discuss the relationship and how to improve one.  So, first of all, we have to ask ourselves what the relationship is? Is the relationship just something that we use to fulfil our needs, or is it something deeper?  As always, we have to start looking outside and then look inside. Firstly, we meet an object or a person that we see fit to fulfil our needs. Our needs may be to have fun. They may be to find a wife to have kids with, or we may have seen someone that fit our description. It can be completely random that you fall in love with someone.  Now that you met the person that you like and you are really into her or him. What is happening? When you were looking for that person for the first time. You were open, and you were listening to whatever that person was saying.  What he or she was telling you? That...

The Ideas You Can Steal from Why Do Good Doers Suffer?

Why Do Good Doers Suffer? When a person dies due to a particular disease, people say that it is because of the consequences of his evil actions from his past life. Is that true? Yes, it is the result of his evil deeds that caused him to get this disease, and if it is not the result of his evil deeds, there is no disease. It all happens because of the consequences of your evil actions starting to work. Cancer occurs when the results of your efforts start to work. All of these heart attacks are caused by the consequences of your wrong actions. People today do nothing but hold the consequences of their actions. That is their job. All-day long, they are bound by the results of their efforts! They do this because they do not know it. If it weren't, they wouldn't do it. Suppose you spend your whole life practising religion, so why die of cancer? The fruits of your service are yet to come. You will find that in your next life, this is the fruit of your past life.  By sowing a good see...

Things Your Boss Expects Should Know About Who's Tangible: Body or Consciousness?

Who's Tangible: Body or Consciousness? So, are you physically or emotionally bound? The body itself results from your actions, so how can the body have another form of slavery? The one who feels he is not free is bound in mind. Who gets hurt if he is arrested? Is it the one who is imprisoned or the prison? So this body is a prison, and the one inside is imprisoned. The one who believes, "I am bound, I am this body, I am  Infynite , is the one who is incarcerated. Consciousness is free; independent. Self-identity is created by false perceptions that include the consequences of your actions, and they are the ones who reap the results of your actions. You are a real pure soul, but you claim to be your body. To claim something you are not is called hypocrisy. This hypocrisy is a counterfeit argument. Hypocrisy takes the place of someone else and calls itself by that someone. When this perception is over, you can return to your home of liberation. Mind, speech and body opera...

Infynites I's and Eyes Meditation: Warning: You're Losing the Self by Not Being Attentive To Have Amazing Life.

Warning:  You're Losing the Self by Not Being Attentive To Have Amazing Life. Let's go deeper: So beautiful people, we all want to understand what is like to concentrate and what it's like to be attentive.  From the moment that we are born, we were always told to concentrate but we never learned how to concentrate. And also, nobody taught us how to be attentive, but what is concentration and what is attention. That is very important to understand and to know.  So, to know that, we have to go deep inside of us. Even if we don't know what attention is, we already have been attentive so often, every time we are listening to something meaningful. If the attention is allowed to everything, then what is the concentration when somebody says to try to concentrate on that thing. That thing particular.  What does it mean for you? It means to "let us" look inside the centre. To say "I am somebody", or "something"  has to be concentrated on it at that...

Why Wayne Dyer Was Never Good At This Question: "Is It Possible to Choose What To Do?"

Is It Possible to Choose What To Do? Do you find yourself forced to do something that goes against your wishes? Is that possible or not? You do not wish, but you have no choice. It is the result of your actions in your past life. People believe that this effect is a factor. They do not understand at all that it is the result of a previous life. If what you have done in this life has been the cause, why are you doing something against your will? Plus, why do you say, "I did it," when you didn't want to do it in the first place? And why do some people say that you did it? People call all actions which seem to be the same by doing the results of their efforts. They will say, "I have done a good deed today, so I have built the results of my good deeds today." The enlightened being knew that all the material things of this life are the result of past deeds. No one sent you here on earth. It results from the actions that take you to the place where your rebirth will t...